Peyton has been waiting to turn 5 for forever! I know that it's always 365 days, but somehow he has been wanting to turn 5 for a long time! And now that he has turned 5, he tells everybody everyday that he is five now. Peyton, aka, Benson's mini me, is my little sweetheart. He is very affectionate and a great kisser. Whenever he is going to give a kiss, he puckers his lips real big (sometimes he even uses his fingers to make the pucker even bigger.) All of a sudden, he quit kissing Benson on the lips. When Benson tries to get a kiss, Peyton does all he can to dodge the lips -oh, but the best part is, he still kisses mama on the lips =).
Peyton's most recent recipient to all of his juicy kisses is Tanner. Peyton holds Tanner more than anyone else (Well, Talie gives him a run for his money), and he always says, "Everybody loves Tanner." and somehow, no matter how many times we ask him to kiss Tanner on the top of the head, he never fails to plant a big juicy kiss on Tanner's cheek, always leaving a little wet spot behind.
Speaking of juicy, yesterday, Peyton asked to change Tanner's diaper and as we opened it up, he said, "Ooh, that's juicy."

Although Peyton is very sweet, and has a definite soft side, he is all boy! He loves balls. Peyton also has broken everything that we own at least twice. One of his favorite games is the "shoe game". Perhaps you haven't heard of it, that's probably because it's a Smith family original. Peyton gives Dad the shoes and takes off running as Benson throws shoes at him. Ok., I don't get it, but they love it and play for like 15-20 minutes.
Peyton has become the family photographer. Every time he sees the camera or gets his hands on my phone, he is taking pictures - usually of Tanner.

(notice Kennedi's outfit - that is very normal for her.)
Peyton also has become quite attached to the Wii - especially to the game, Super Smash Brothers, so I have started putting the case that holds all the Wii games in a hiding place. So lately, when I tell Peyton it's time to turn the Wii off, he turns it off, puts Super Smash Brothers in the case, and runs off. When I ask him where he is going, he says, "
I'm hiding the game case." He's smarter than he looks sometimes.
I can't believe my little man is going to start Kindergarten this year! I am glad it is 1/2 day Kindergarten, because I would miss him too much if he was gone all day! Thanks for keeping us smiling Peyton!