Jun 10, 2009

My Big Three Year Old!

Ok., I know that no one can believe their kids grow up as fast as they do, but man, does time fly! My little man, just turned three, and although his name is now being taken over by the girls, he is completely boy. Benson and I say that we could not afford another Peyton. If a day goes by that he has not broken something, we count our blessings! He writes on everything (thank goodness for magic eraser, or I might have craigs' listed him=), has broken parts to the dishwasher multiple times, has broken the silver ware drawer, several parts of my clock, well, you get the picture.
Peyton does have a studious side as well. He has a long attention span and loves to sit and read books. He and Kennedi are two little partners in crime - when ever they disappear together, I know that I will find trouble. He calls Kennedi "babe" and whenever she is napping very long, he will ask me, "Where's babe, mom?" and go in and wake up his little side kick.
That kid keeps me busy! He is Mr. Independent, and is always climbing up some cupboard or freezer shelf to get a glass of water or a bowl of ice cream. He also considers himself a master chef. Today, he decided to warm up a Hot Wheels car in the microwave. Luckily, I caught it in the first few seconds, unlike the shrivelled up dorito bag wrapper I discovered in the microwave a few months ago.
Before Peyton came a long, I used to wear cute, tall shoes. I have long since traded them in for running shoes. Peyton's favorite thing is to be chased. In the store, he will ropel down from the cart, yell, "run!" and take off! He thinks it's the funniest thing in the world. I've taken up running again just to keep up with him=).
Just in case you're wondering if I even like my boy, I have to say that one of my favorite things in the world is to snuggle and read stories with him. His BIG cheeks, dimples, never ending smile and gorgeous blue eyes melt my heart any time I want to get mad at him. And, I love his little comments that sound wise beyond his years. The other day he was on fast forward mode, and I asked him, "Peyton, when are you ever going to grow out of this crazy, busy stage?" To which he replied, "Nobody knows, Mom."
Peyton, singing "Happy Birthday" to himself.


Me and My Boys said...

Oh Peyton! I love this kid. And as for the name I totally hear you on that one, dang girls! I bet one day he'll be an engineer or something that has to do with constant discovery. I can't wait to see him and London together again. He still calls Peyton, Hulk! can't wait to see you!

deargoodness said...

Man, he does sound like a few handfuls! He is pretty sweet! Hey man, and at least you're getting your exercise in with this one! By the way, James has started calling Nate by his name, not Dad and sometimes he calls me 'Love' or 'Kate'. I think he learned it from Peyton :)

Well, we're having a boy on October 5th-ish. We're pert'nere excited. I'm feeling pretty great, other than hot hot hot and super humid. I might break down this summer and actually run the air conditioner. But at least we live only 2 blocks from the swimming pool, so we'll be going there often-don't you worry about that.

And James's potty-training has taken a sad turn. I went to my parent's house on Monday and since then James has decided he doesn't like to use the potty. Or maybe he's too lazy, I don't know. So I'm using severe bribery-popsicles, skittles, and computer games to get him to go in the potty. He's still doing pretty good, but not as good as before. Dangn't.

Sorry this is super long, but oh well. We love you guys, and we would totally come visit, but then we think about the car drive and then start to change our minds. Maybe later this summer we'll talk ourselves into it :) We miss you!

The Millers said...

I wish that I could have met him, along with the rest of your brood. He sounds like he keeps you on your toes :) I wonder if my Jake will do the same for me...he's only crawling and into EVERYTHING! I'm sorry that things didn't work out while we were in Denver. We didn't get back from Red Rocks until dinner time and then took my aunt/cousins out for dinner. It was too late and then we were on the road by 8 am Saturday morning. So, I'm sorry. It would have been fun to see you. Maybe next time (like I know when I'll be back that way, however). There's always New York to visit!!
I do love that I can see your beautiful family growing on your blog (I think the last time I saw you you were pregnant with Dallin). Love to you and yours!

Beth said...

This post cracked me up!! He is such a cutie!

Julie said...

But he is so darn cute! You definitely have you hands full! Happy Birthday Peyton!

Burton's blog said...

OK, he may be kinda of a monster now, but he is way to cute to stay down. I have a little beast of my own that could keep him on his toes. I think we should pre-arrange a marriage now. How does he feel about younger women? I threaten my kids to runaway from time to time, so if I end up on your doorstep, don't ask questions! Good to hear you are doing well! Miss you.