Kennedi turned three on December 3rd, it's crazy that my baby is that old! She remains our tiny one, weighing in at a whopping 23lbs. at the age of 3. But the doctor was happy because she jumped up from 2% to 6% on charts for weight. She still drinks whole milk with her chocolate milk, and eats fairly well when I hand feed her, but sometimes I forget.
Being the youngest of 5, she is a spit fire and thinks she knows just about everything! Her common response when I tell her something is, "I know." The other day, we were in my bedroom, and she started to argue about something that I had said. As I realized that she was right in her mind, I decided it was definitely NOT worth arguing over. So I stopped and said, "Sometimes child, you are impossible." To which she quickly responded, "No. I am a child of God." She definitely knows who she is. She loves her older siblings and they adore her. I often get confused as I respond to her calling, "Mom" to realize that she is just talking to Ashlynn as they are playing. And Peyton is her buddy - they do everything together!
Kennedi quit napping before she was two. I would even lay down with her and Peyton, make the bed on top of them, and read stories in hopes that they would fall asleep, but all that would happen is that I would start nodding off and they would get after me for slurring the words together and not finishing the story.

Although Kennedi doesn't think she needs a nap and can keep up with the rest of us pretty well, sometimes she will just crash - mid action. One day we couldn't find her anywhere and started to worry, when finally after the third attempt at searching her room, we found her completely under the covers in her top bunk.
Kennedi loves story time and getting books from the library. She loves princess books, Fancy Nancy books, and princess/Barbie movies from the library - but she is lucky if she gets to watch her library movies even once before they are due, as she seems to get roped into watching dinosaur movies with Peyton.
Kennedi loves church - especially nursery! Last Easter, after church, I was lying down with her in my bed and asked her what she learned in nursery. She responded by telling me that "Jesus died, they put Him in a cave, and an angel rolled the rock away." I am thankful for wonderful nursery teachers!
Kennedi loves people and always makes them feel like her best friend. She is like a magnet. Today we went to eat lunch with Ashy, and stayed for recess and all of Ashy's friends just swarmed around her the entire time. Then, after they went back to class, a group of pre schoolers came out to recess and all the kids ended up in a circle around her under the playground.

Kennedi is beautiful, with BIG blue eyes - I wish she got them from me - but she does have some disgusting habits. She has her finger up her nose a lot, and when she finds something, she wipes it on her cheek. Gross, I know, we're still trying to break her of that habit.
Although Kennedi has been the baby for a long time in the Smith house, I think she will be a great big sister. She already kisses "baby Tanner" (aka, my belly), and is the only kid who says she will change his poopy diapers. Kennedi, we love you and Happy Birthday!