So Wednesday, our baby turned ONE! It's amazing how time flies! She has been so fun! Everyone loves her. Even Peyton asks where she is if her nap goes a little long. Here are her stat.s for the year: She weighs in at 17lbs.4oz. (Now at what age is it no longer ok to list her weight=)? and stands (or lays) @ 29 1/4" tall. This leaves her 3% in weight and 56% in height. She still does her gimp crawl, but her little vocabulary is growing to include: mommy, dadda, baby, Ashy, Talie and Dallin (which sound the same to me), uh-oh, anana (banana), peekaboo, doggy and puppy. So she may not be an athlete, but we can hope for a . . . debater . . . or something. Her favorite things are her binki, giving kisses, the basement, the loft with polly pockets and doll house toys, loud music, dancing, peekaboo, baths, Mom, and pulling absolutely everything out of every cupboard she can get to. I like to call her our little tornado. She just comes in, picks things up, and moves them to new places.
I was all excited for her to blow out her own candle, because we practice blowing on our hot food. But instead of blowing she wanted to go for the candle . . . .
OK., I know what you're thinking, isn't this her 5th? Yes, I should have known better, but none of the others have gone for the candle. And I was busy playing photographer.
Luckily, there were no marks and she quit crying in time to enjoy the cake and get excited about her presents.

She celebrated her 1st Birthday party with her family and Aunt Kim, Uncle Jeff and cousin Morgan. For her 1st Birthday cake, we went more for flavor than appearance - caramel fudge cheesecake. And by the looks of it, we succeeded!
I can't believe that she is one. Wow, how time goes by. She is so cute. Some how in the next year or so we need to start planning on where we are going to live so that we can be by eachother! Then we could have added 6 more people to the birthday party:o)
She is the CUTEST!! and she'll fit in with my kids becauase she's so small. The cake looks cute! I like the pink dots on it. and if it tastes amazing that's all that matters. Where so excited to come, can't wait!
I'm new here! What a great blog :)
I feel that someone needs to say something about that last picture--it is amazing! What a greedy little girl. I'd be scared to get in the way of her and that cheesecake.
My baby is one! She is the cutest thing ever! I don't think she even weighs 17 pounds! She is so tiny and cute! I miss having her in that baby!
The cake looks yummy! My kids haven't burned themselves yet so I guess I better know that it can happen! Cute pictures! I can't believe she's one either! Happy Birthday Kennedi!
I love that last picture of her devouring the cake with her nose all scrunched. So cute I guess she wasn't shy about eating her cake, that's good perhaps she should eat it every day twice a day it might help beef her up a bit. Happy Birthday Kennedi!!!
i luv the blog it is so cute great pictures. i Cannot belive Kennedi is also 1!
So cute! I can't believe she's one! How was your Christmas? We had lots of fun playing video games, building legos, eating anything, staying in pajamas, and just doing whatever.
We are going to the beach tomorrow for two days. We felt the urge to go and do something instead of just staying home for another week.
I hope all is well. Kennedi is such a doll!
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