Apr 17, 2009

Bad Parking Job

The other morning, I was taking Peyton to play group, and we had to make a quick stop to the library to return some books. I pulled into a parking spot by the front door and was super excited to get such a good spot, especially when I usually have to circle the lot 2-3 times before settling for a parking spot in the pre school lot next door. Well, as my little buddies and I climbed out of the car, I noticed a number of people gathered around, taking pictures with their phones. I followed their camera aim, and this is what I found - Oops!

Apparently, the (mini van) woman's dog jumped on the gas pedal and vroomp, up and on top she went. (Another good reason, to tell my kids, why we shouldn't get a dog=).

Funny Quotes:
The other day, Peyton was praying and he said, "Heavny Fauder, Thank you for Mom, Benson, Talie, Dallin . . . ." Apparently they're on first name basis now.

The other night, Talie came down after being tucked in saying that she couldn't fall asleep. Benson asked her if she had tried counting sheep. To which she replied, "No, I don't have any."
- A true blond, and we love it!


me said...

DOH! folks that drive with animals on their laps are IDIOTS!!!

Shanna said...

I had to show that Taft. I think animals in cars should be banned. :) That is so crazy that you saw that! I thought it was a joke at first, ha!

Me and My Boys said...

I totally thought you just found that picture somewhere, sweet you say if first hand, I was wondering how in the world that would happen on "accident" What did the kids think?

Mary Mike said...

I too thought it was a joke. Good news is the top of the car didn't collapse. I guess it would get a good crash test score. Ha :)

Julie said...

Oh my gosh! That happened at the HR Library?? I thought it was an "internet Picture"! I had to go back and read the post again! Amazing that you actually saw that!

Kim said...

no I don't have any! haha Awesome!

Pancake said...

Thank you for another reason to not own a dog! I loved the blonde moment and the prayer!!

Hey you were right about the soup kitchen,,,AMAZING!

gina said...

That is crazy!!! Who knew a mini van could turn into a monster truck if needed. Loved the quotes thankyou for mom and benson, soo cute!

aubreyp said...

You could sell that picture for money it's so crazy! I love hearing about all the cute things your kids are saying. We miss you!