Mar 1, 2010

The Big D

Dallin is officially 10!! I have to admit it is crazy that he is getting that old! I think it really hits me when I look at old pictures of him and can't believe how much he has changed. Dallin is definitely our morning kid! He can't sleep in, no matter how late he goes to bed. I finally had to make a rule that he was not allowed to set his alarm clock for any time earlier than 6:45 - just to get ready for school. When he was learning how to ride a bike in NC, he and I would wake up at about 6 am. and he would ride beside me as I ran. I would push him up the hills and he would leave me in the dust as he sped down the hills, but we had a lot of fun. And now, he'll wake me up on Tuesdays and Thursdays to take turns running on the treadmill.
Dallin is very affectionate and loving. Currently, Kennedi chooses to sleep with him instead of in her own bed. The other night, I went to check on them. They they were both asleep and Dallin had his arm around her.
A little known fact about Dallin: He has a green thumb. He grew these herbs (basil & thyme) from seeds. He carefully watered them every day, and even called his Dad to water them when he was at Grandma & Grandpa's house.
Dallin loves having a brother, but has been planning a second brother since we found out that Kennedi was a girl. He is very smart and loves math. He works hard at school and at home - trying our patience ; ) We are glad he's part of our family!

Although they don't always get along, and he loves to tease them, he really does like his sisters.


Mom said...

Happy Birthday again dear Dallin, can't believe you are 10 already. I remember when you were born, such a cute little guy. My how you have grown.
Grandpa and I are so very proud of you and the fine young man you are becoming. We love you so much. Can't wait to see you in September!!!
Love Grandma and Grandpa Walker

deargoodness said...

Happy Birthday Dallin!! We love you!
--Uncle Natie, Aunt Kate, James, and George

Burton's blog said...

Such a cute kid! I hope he hasn't been cheating on my Kennedy while you have been away. He is still the only boy that she has kissed. We would like it to stay that way!

Anonymous said...

I'm loving your blog. Will definitely be following.

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I'm loving your blog.

Unknown said...

You have a beautiful family. It amazes me how fast they grow. I have 2 boys (2 and 4) and the other day I looked at Christian (my 2 yr old) and noticed he got taller. i was just so shocked and surprise. I know thats silly but they jusy grow right before our very eyes and their personalities are so different. Anywho, all we can do is enjoy them while their young and hope for the best

talonandanna said...

wow- that doesn't even seem possible. where has the time gone?! hope you and your cute family are doing well.

kado! said...

Happy Birthday to Dallin!