Apr 3, 2010

In first grade, Ashlynn has been learning about our national symbols. At the end of this unit in school, her teacher, Mrs. Kempf, had the children dress in red, white, and/or blue and present a program to the parents. Mrs. Kempf put together a pod cast in which each of the children read a report that they had done on a specific US symbol (Ashlynn reported on the Bald Eagle), and in between the reports, she had taught the children a variety of patriotic songs which they performed. The program consisted of the traditional favorites, such as "America the Beautiful", some cute clever ones about Abraham Lincoln, and George Washington, where they acted out young George cutting down the cherry tree, and they finished with the song, "I'm proud to be an American", where the kids sang with great conviction. I'm sure you had to be there to truly appreciate it, but at the end of the last song, there was hardly a dry eye in the room. The spirit was so strong as everyone felt their love for this great nation. I was very proud of the class, and very grateful to Ashlynn's teacher for teaching the children something that is truly important. Thank-you Mrs. Kempf!

Half of Ashy's cute class, wearing adorable hats and head bands, provided by Mrs. Kempf.

Last Sunday, Kennedi and I were laying down on my bed, snuggling. And I asked her, what she learned in nursery today, and she said, "Toys." Not getting the answer I wanted, I rephrased the question, and asked, "What did your teachers teach you about?" To which she replied, "About Jesus."
"What about Jesus?" I further inquired.
"Umm, Jesus died yesterday. And the angel rolled the rock away."
I was amazed at how much my little two year old understood that her teachers were trying so hard to teach her. Again, I was thankful to my childrens' teachers for the love and time they put into teaching my children.


Bonnie #2 said...

That is awesome, I'm glad to know that patriotism isn't dead in all our schools! Most of our schools don't even say the pledge of allegiance.

Burton's blog said...

Cute, cute girls. We found a sweatshirt behind the couch that I think must be Kennedi's. It looks brand new so I will put it in the mail with Tallies scarf. We are so thrilled that you stopped by to visit. I know its our turn now, but we hope you come back soon!

Mom said...

What a wonderful thing for that teacher to do. It looks like the kids had a great time, as well.
Ashlynn is so cute and growing up so fast.

Loved the story about kennedi, she is a cutie.

Wow that must have been a really sad movie the girls watched.

Hope you all had a great spring break!!!
Love You Mom Walker

kado! said...

oh! cute!

Yosafat Agus said...

Wonderful family! We only have 1 son, so I love to imagine how to have more kids like yours! Have a good day!