May 13, 2008

Daily Life with the Smiths

Weeks go by without any major event occurring, yet somehow we feel very busy doing important things, and when we look back on the week, we can't remember what we did. So here are some trivial things from the Smiths that fill our days with joy and laughter.

Talie has been working hard at gymnastics; it's rare to go five minutes without seeing her upside down. Well, all that work has paid off and she has moved up to intermediate gymnastics.Yay Talie! She also has been going to choir practice before school in the mornings and just performed in her first choir concert at Saddle Ranch Elementary - Look out American Idol!

Dallin has just finished his first season of soccer - It was fun towatch. Although he is still learning the fundamentals, he loves to be goalie and has a powerful kick! The other team has a hard time scoring a goal with him there. Good thing he doesn't take after his Mom in that area, I prefer to run and duck.

Ashlynn went on her kindergarten tour to get ready for next year and saw four friends she already knew. And Friday she has her Pre-School graduation. My little Ashy Poo Hoo is growing up.

Peyton likes to take something with him to the store while He, Kennedi and I go shopping. Well, usually it's a bag of treats, a ball, or a truck, but today he found a roll of pink streamers. At first, I tried to trade him for another toy, but he just couldn't part with it - so off we went shopping with my boy and his pink streamers=). It did the trick, he was great the whole time.
Kennedi is 5 1/2 months already - I can't believe it! We took her for a check up and she is in the 16th percentile -only 13lbs6oz. That's rare for our babies! So she is our tiny little thing. She has started eating rice cereal, hasn't really started doing cartwheels, or reciting poems, but we still are entertained by her every smile and giggle.

1 comment:

Me and My Boys said...

I cant' believe how stinking cute your kids are. and how big they are getting, kennedi is soooo cute. I love your spread, that was the background I picked out for mine, when we got home from lindsay's but I couldn't get it to work, good tast!