Feb 1, 2010

My Baby is TWO!!

Kennedi is two and all trace of baby is gone! And I think she wouldn't have it any other way. I think this would make me really sad, except that I'm having too much fun enjoying her little personality to be sad - and I'm still her best friend- which usually doesn't last this long =). Kennedi weighs in at a mere 21 lbs, bringing her to a 2% in weight (and 67% in height - every girl's dream, right?). We are through with diapers at the Smith house as she is potty trained -YAY!! Her best buddy to hang with during the day is Peyton - who has helped her become well rounded as she loves to play with dinosaurs, scale closet shelves and is skilled in shooting webs through her spider man fingers. She is fluent in English, loves to sing, wear princess dresses (but the costume is not complete unless accompanied by a cowboy hat), and is known to put her toys in time out for three minutes - hmmm, she must see that a lot around here=).
The other night, we were watching American Idol, and they showed clip after clip of hopefuls crying when they didn't make it to Hollywood. After seeing this, she observed, "Mommy, they're so sad." To which I replied, "Yes, they are sad, aren't they. Do do you know why they're sad?" she immediately answered, "They need their Mommy." Aaahh, life is so simple to a two-year old=). There is so much that I can learn from her. 1.It's always the perfect time to put on your swim suit and go sit in the hot tub. 2.If you don't know the correct answer to something, just say, "Good." and 3. Jesus loves me - the perfect faith of a child. We love "Kah Kah" Kennedi and are so grateful she came to our home!

Whenever we asked her what kind of birthday cake she wanted, she would just say, "chocolate", so we went for taste instead of look, and we obviously must have succeeded as this is what was left of the cake before we even sang Happy Birthday. Oh, and if you're wondering what is around her eyes, yes, it is green marker - but she's convinced it's eye shadow.

Yes, this is Kennedi. Some how she always has a finger up her nose, and usually it's more than one.


Julie said...

My baby grew up! She is so adorable!!!

Beth said...

She is so cute!! Happy Birthday Kennedi!!

kado! said...

oh! She is such a cutie!!! Terrific Twos!

Mom said...

Hi Christina, Sorry it took me so long to figure out how to post a comment on your blog.

You have a darling family, all of the pictures are on our wall. I should take a picture of "The Wall"
so you can see the famous "Smiths"
Love, Mom