Mar 15, 2010

A Child's Prayer

I think one of my favorite things about being a Mom is listening to my little ones pray. Today, Kennedi was saying the lunch prayer, and she was sitting at a little table with pictures on it. She began by thanking Heavenly Father for the house, and then I couldn't understand the next thing she thanked Him for, so I took a peek at her, and she was looking at a picture of an owl on the table, so I realized she said, "owl", she continued looking at her surroundings, and thanking Heavenly Father for everything she laid her eyes on, "thank you for spoons, the moon, food, spoons, yogurt . . ." I was very touched by this show of gratitude, and asked myself, "How often do I just look at the simple, everyday things around me and thank my Heavenly Father for them?"

The other day Peyton was saying his prayers, and he said, "Bless Mom and Dad, because I love them so much.." Prayers are my favorite!

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