Mar 15, 2010

A Day of Basketball

Today was a day filled with basketball games! I am not a big sport's fan, but boy was it fun - nothing beats watching your kids work hard at something! Talie and Dallin played basketball this winter and this Saturday was the tournament. Benson is Dallin's coach and their team has improved a ton throughout the season! They went from losing most of their games at the beginning of the season to winning four in a row at the end. It is fun to watch Dallin as his confidence and love for the game grows. I like to call him, guard dog. His job on defense is to stand just beyond the center line and guard the point guard coming down with the ball. He has gotten so good at this, that it makes the poor point guard so nervous he just doesn't know what to do, so we usually get a steal and end up with the ball. Today, they played and won their first championship game, and so next Saturday they get to play another championship game, and if they win that one, they get to play the final game and place 1st or 2nd in the tournament - Go JAZZ! It is fun to watch the team work together - they are a great bunch of boys! I also love to watch Benson with the boys! You sure can see how proud he is of them and how much he enjoys working with them. Good-Luck next week boys!

Talie also played basketball this year. She somehow was put with a 4th grade team last year, and this year was bumped up to her normal grade level and Wow! is there a difference between 4th and 6th grade girls on the basketball court! At first she looked a little confused as far as what was going on, and anytime she bumped into anyone, she would say sorry, and give up the ball =), but she worked hard and improved, even scoring 4 out of the final 21 points for her team in the first tournament game. The girl's won their first game and the final championship game later that evening. Talie's team is also full of great girls. For their last game, they played against a team of girls that play dirty (like having fouls called for kicking). So it was kind of fun to watch her fight for the ball and stand up to these girls, she even played most of the last game, and boy was she tired after two hard games in a row! Although her team was ahead by 10 points at one point, unfortunately they didn't win, but they played hard and took 2nd place in the championship - go Comets! It was great watching Talie work hard at something and improve so much - her coach even recognized her as the most improved player.


Me and My Boys said...

GOOD JOB guys!! That is awesome I wish we lived closer so we could see you guys kick some trash! and I Love that they took picture during the movie, What movie was it? You've got me curious now.

kado! said...

How fun!!!!!