Kennedi is our little peanut! She is now four, but still weighs about 27lbs. (1/2 of that is probably her big, blue eyes). She has spoken like a little adult since she was 18 months old. I think she has definitely benefited from Peyton's speech as she is very careful to enunciate every sound. She also is very expressive. She loves people and is extremely friendly. Every day we take Peyton to school, she goes into the office and visits with Miss Sarah. One day she told a friend, "Oh, you've got to meet Miss Sarah, she's my friend."
She is also pretty funny. One day in the middle of sacrament meeting, she says, "Mom, I'd be pretty scared if that chair started talking to me." Sometimes I'm not sure what's going on in her little head. We were driving in the car and she just started praying out loud. After she finished, she said, "I just felt like talking to Heavenly Father." She also asked me the other day,"How old do you have to be to change your name?" When I asked her what she would change it to, she said, "Crystal Flower Rose." Someday I think she will thank Benson & I that that is NOT her name.

Kennedi also has a flair for style. Here are some of the fashion rules that Kennedi lives by:
1. Nothing goes better with pink than more pink. (pinkish purplish is her favorite color).
2. Pigtail braids are great for every occasion.
3. A skirt is the perfect accessory to every outfit.
4. You can never have too many layers. (One day she put on 6 dresses at once).

Kennedi also has the gift of complimenting. She is always telling people nice things about them. She is a great babysitter-although Tanner may disagree. Whenever Tanner is headed for danger, she holds onto or sits on his legs and yells, "Mom! Tanner is in danger trouble." Of course this makes him scream, and I come running - I'm not sure how much longer she'll be able to weigh him down.

For being tiny, Kennedi is packed with personality! She is very entertaining, and almost every time we're at the park, I will look over and she has a crowd of pre teenage girls doing whatever she asks them to.
Kennedi hates being in trouble. She bursts into tears just at the thought of sitting in time out, so disciplining with her is pretty easy. Kennedi is very sweet and is very happy. We love having her in our home!

She loves Rapunzel, like every other four year old girl in the country, and this is the Rapunzel cake she wanted.