Dec 28, 2009

The Black Eye!

If you're wondering what happened, here is our "story" - Every Tuesday and Thursday morning, Benson plays basketball at the church. One Tuesday morning, at about 7:15am, the kids come running into my bathroom yelling, "Mom, Dad is bleeding all over!" I ran to the front door, trying to figure out if he was in a car accident or what happened. But it turned out that someone palmed his nose (instead of the ball) as he came down from making a basket. This picture was taken a week and a half after it happened, and it still looks this bad! Unfortunately, it looks like he will have to have surgery on his deviated septum, from talking to those that have had it - it's worse than giving birth =(. Poor Guy! At church, everyone thought it was the funniest joke, that I had had enough with Benson and finally let him have it. I don't know what's so funny about a 5 foot 3 inch woman taking down a 6 foot 5 inch man. All, I have to say is, "Honey, next time take the garbage out the first time I ask you to!=)"

Unfortunately, the other guy doesn't look worse


For Thanksgiving this year, we all drove to Riverton, Wyoming. Spencer and Shayla just moved into their new home about three months ago, and so they invited everyone there for Thanksgiving, and everyone was able to make it - I don't think they thought we would all be there =). All in all, there were 32 people in one home. I have to admit I was curious how it all would turn out, but due to Shayla's good planning and organization skills, we had a great time! Thanks Spencer and Shayla!

All the grand kids on a beautiful day before a hike.


The kids ran around so much they literally crashed at night (Talie).

We Wish You a Merry Christmas '09

This year, Christmas was a little more quiet and slow paced than in the past couple of years. We actually had Christmas by ourselves with no extended family coming in to town. It was a little quiet, and of course we missed family, but it was very relaxing, just being us. We did the normal things, like decorate Gingerbread houses, bake and deliver goodies, visit Santa, read Christmas stories, and open Christmas presents on Christmas morning, but I think one of the highlights for me, was Christmas Eve, where we gathered with friends and acted out the Nativity. Kennedi actually played the role of baby Jesus and took it very seriously, as she would lay there, very stiff like trying to be very still, but she also made sure she always had her little blanket on, because that was her costume. She seemed to realize the great importance of role that she played. And it helped us truly focus on the true meaning of Christmas and the great & important role our Savior plays in each of our lives. Merry Christmas to ALL!

The Nativity re enactment.

Ashlynn loves art projects, and what's better than an edible one!

Santa came to the library and did story time. He did a great job and it was a lot of fun, but the wait to see him was a little long.

Thankfully, we had good friends

and cousins to hang out with while we waited!

Talie is very into music lately. She even has her American Idol audition song all picked out.

Apparently, Christmas morning arrived very early this year, as our morning child still looks half asleep.

Who knew that true happiness could be brought by a $6 alligator. . .

. . . and a basketball too, I guess.

And, of course, a girl can never have too many baby dolls to love.

Nov 17, 2009


A couple months ago, my good friend, Kristy, and I decided it would be fun to train for and run a 1/2 marathon. Well, the day finally came, and even though the past two weeks have averaged in the 60's and 70's, the night before the temperature dropped and even with both of our prayers, it began to snow. The temperature the following morning was supposed to be in the upper 20's lower 30's. The race was supposed to be challenging, was to go on rain, snow, or shine and was in the foothills. Well, we decided we had to finish what we started, so we got up early Saturday, I waved goodbye to my supportive family (Dallin asked if he could watch the race on TV, and the night before Talie asked if I would come in 1st place=), as they wished me good luck & promised to meet me at the finish line.
The race started, (luckily it only snowed about 1 inch) and after each long uphill climb, we thought, we've got to be to the top! When are we going to start going down!?! Finally we did start to go down hill, but it was steep, muddy, and the worst part was, that those who were ahead of us had gone all the way down and were on their way back, so we knew that what we were going down, we would have to come back up - yuck! Luckily at the bottom of the - can I say- ravine, there was a water/energy gel station. Now I don't know if you've ever had energy gel before, but I would have to describe it as drinking thick, strawberry flavored toothpaste. I tried to choke it down with gator aid, but no matter how nasty it was, it worked! Miles 10-12 were the hardest part of the run, muddy and uphill. But we made it, and as we neared the end, we found ourselves on a paved, down hill path and were running at a 6minute 30second speed - we were ready to be done!
The best part of the race was when we rounded a corner near the finish line (which of course was straight up hill), and saw our children - who had just spotted us- run down the grass hill to meet us and finish the race with us. Waiting at the finish line were our cute little families, our good friend Dina- the photographer- who unfortunately didn't make it in any of the pictures, my sister-in-law Kim, and my two little nieces. What a support system! I have to admit that there were a few moments in race that just knowing they were going to be there to greet me, helped me keep on running.
My cute husband waiting at the end to record the crossing of the finish line. He was so supportive and excited for me throughout the whole thing - I'm still such a lucky girl!
My cute family!

The kiddos running to meet us.

Morgan & Peyton bundled up waiting in the cold.

Kim & Whitney also trying to keep warm

By the way, Heavenly Father did hear and answer our prayers. After the race, at about 2:30, it began to snow and didn't stop until the ground was covered with 18 inches of snow - church was even canceled.

Nov 15, 2009

Say Cheese!

With our last HUGE snowstorm, I was afraid that we missed our outdoor photo opportunity. But the snow was followed by a couple weeks of 70 degree weather- I love Denver! So my wonderful sister-in-law (the photographer) and I found the perfect back drop and the perfect day for pictures! OK., I am a little indecisive, so I need your help. I am going to post my favorite shots, and am hoping you will help me decide which one you would choose to blow up and place above the fire place.


notice Kennedi's mouthful of gum, that was the only way we could get her to cooperate and not cry during pictures =).



Sorry so many, but Thanks for your help!

I just had to include this one 'cuz they're soo cute!
I know, more many pic.s, I'm sure you're already bored, but here are a few more fav.s.

Watch out boys!

Aah, my cute boys!

Thanks Kim, it was FUN!

Nov 12, 2009

Fall Break!

For fall break (we get a two week break, due to our modified school schedule), our good friends invited us to stay in Park City with them for a few days. So there we were, two women, 8 children, and no hubbies. Boy was she brave to invite us! The best part is, even after hanging out together, we had a blast AND we're still friends!
Our first stop was in Mapleton, UT, visiting Bart and Holly. Then, we hung out in Park City, visited the Olympic museum, saw old friends, rode our first Alpine slide, ate out lots, stayed up late talking, went to the Hogle zoo, and visited SLC. It was fun, but boy was I ready not to be a single Mom again for a long while! Thanks Dina and girls for showing us such a great time! Here are a few highlights:

We just had to see the new baby elephant that had just arrived at the Hogle zoo! Yes, he was very cute, but I kind of prefer these little animals=)

I even got to hold the cutest monkey at the zoo!

We got to go through the Conference Center, the Visitors Center, and the Tabernacle. It was great, but those tour guides can be long winded, especially for a group like ours!

My little bobsledders!

We even got to see Gabriella and Troy's (High School Musical) houses.

Nov 9, 2009

Happy Halloween

Halloween was a BLAST! I think it is definitely on the top list of holidays for my kids, and therefore it is so fun to get caught up in the excitement with them! It started off with an 11 mile run (getting ready for the 1/2 marathon this Saturday), then we shoveled some more snow off of sidewalks and driveways for trick-or-treaters, got ready - wow it takes a LONG time to get ALL 5 ready! - and then went to our good friend's house for pizza and trick-or-treating.

We did hit a few speed bumps along the way as Peyton woke up grumpy from his nap and insisted on being Mickey Mouse (his costume from last year - no idea where the ears went), not Spiderman (who he has insisted on being since September). Talie (Hermoine) lost her wand, and Dallin (Harry) lost his glasses. Thanks to some good friends and a persuasive father, we were able to carry on and Halloween was a success!

Later that night, as the kids were talking about Halloween, Peyton said, "I love Halloween! I get dressed like spiderman, knock on peoples' doors, say "Trick-or-treat", and they're so nice, they give me candy, Mom!" Life is so simple and wonderful at 3! I love it!

Nov 1, 2009

Winter Wonder Land!

Tuesday (Oct. 28) night, we got a few inches of snow and although the forecast was calling for up to 8 more inches of snow, I was a little surprised that they called a Snow Day. Well, needless to say they were right to do so! It snowed straight through 'till the middle of Thursday night, totaling about 30 inches!!! The first two days were fun and blizzardy, but Friday was my FAVORITE! It was about 50 degrees outside, but we still had tons of snow to play in and sled on -I love Denver snow storms! Friday we went sledding and lasted (even Peyton and Kennedi) for a little over an hour. Kennedi said it was fun, but when asked if she wanted to go down the hill again, she promptly replied, "No." We did get her to go down about 7 times! We also made snow forts, snow ball fights, and the kids turned the back terrace into a sledding hill. The night ended festively with pumpkin carving and a scary movie "Coraline." to prepare for Halloween the next day!

The 1st night of snow, we all had fun going out and shoveling snow.

Kennedi even joined in on the fun, using a dust pan as her snow shovel.

By the second day of constant snow, Dallin collapsed from so much shoveling=)

Thursday, Benson even got to stay home from work to play in the snow with us! Peyton enjoyed some behind the 4-wheeler sledding.

We had to carve mini pumpkins this year because due to the snow storm, we didn't buy pumpkins 'till Halloween eve. But, like every year, the kids can't make it through carving without make "sick" faces at the pumpkin guts.