Feb 10, 2009

The other day, Peyton fell and bonked the his lip and it started to bleed. It hurt, so of course the only thing that would fix it was- no, not a kiss from Mom - a band aid. I tried to soothe, him and explain to him all the reasons why a band aid just doesn't stick that well on lips. But, finally gave up trying to explain. So we went and got a band aid, applied it ever so carefully, and he was off running and laughing in a matter of minutes. I thought about how great it is that at the age of two, a band aid can fix absolutely everything!
I decided that we all need band aids in our own lives, and began to wonder what my band aid was at the age of 32? It was hard to narrow it down to one item. I mean, I love chocolate, I think that Magic Erasers are absolutely amazing and help me be a calmer mother, but I think I concluded that my personal band aid is when I see my children treat each other with compassion or treat those around them kindly; when I hear stories of people sacrificing for and helping others. Somehow this reminds me of all the good in the world, and it helps me to step back and remember that we are all Heavenly Father's children, and everything really will be ok. So, what's you're band aid?


Mary Mike said...

Cute kid, and I totally agree with you watching or hearing others inspirational stories are my band aids. I do love chocolate though :)

Pancake said...

I love this thought! What are our bandaids....

I have to say, while raising three boys, I very much wished the Magic Eraser was invented! However, it all worked out, we just painted ALOT.

Jenn @ Cuddles and Cameras said...

Great post Christina! I think my band aid is going to the Ocean... I can regroup and gather my thoughts on whatever may be ailing me... Or just as equally watching my children squeal and scream with delight, that's also a great band-aid :)

Cannaday Clan said...

Maybe my boy just needed a kiss from me!!! I miss you guys. Your comment has made me really think about what my band-aids are. Thanks

Me and My Boys said...

So it took me awhile to think, what are my band aids? and although chocolate is AMAZING! I'd have to say The great outdoors! Namely Kayaking, it's peaceful and gives me time to think things clearly by myself.
p.s. how did Dallins b-day go? Tried calling today, give me a call. Love ya

Burton's blog said...

I'm certainly not as insightful as you are Christina!! I think a warm shower, uninterrupted by my children can fix most things for me!! Peyton is too cute!!

jmlord59 said...

Gosh, if he doesn't look like a little Benson! How cute. Chocolate is a great bandaid and one I use all too often, but I think probably the best bandaid of all is knowing that no matter how much I screw up, or how bad things seem to be, that my Heavenly Father loves me and will always be there for me if only I remember to humble myself and ask for his help.

aubreyp said...

Peyton is too cute! I love how the little ones have their own ideas on how to fix things.

What are my band aids? I think I have many and it depends on the moment. But lately, when I've had a lot of stress, I just feel like I need to read my scriptures and I'll feel better. But of course, chocolate always helps!