Mar 24, 2009

Smith's March Madness

These past few months, 3 of the 7 Smiths took an active part in the winter basketball season at Highlands Ranch. Talie and Dallin played on teams and Benson coached Dallin's team. I guess you could say that ALL 7 of us took an active role, as Kennedi screamed, "Lally!" (aka Talie & Dallin) from the sidelines, and Peyton would come, snatch my purse, and make a mad dash for the candy machines ( hopefully we'll turn the dashing into a life long skill, and not the purse snatching=), and Ashy chased and dragged kids back to our bench - thanks Ash, I don't know how I would have done it without you! Although we had plenty of our own action on the side lines, we loved watching the games! Especially as both teams started out as underdogs, but quickly improved. It was fun to watch the kiddos' confidence and skills increase as they worked hard, made friends, and had fun. It was also fun to watch Benson's debut as little league B-Ball coach - he only got kicked out of 1 game=) - you'll have to ask him the details, it sounds much worse than it really was.

Talie making her first free throw.

Dallin, racing to play some good "D".

Intense coaching by Coach B, the kids memorizing his every word.

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