Sep 29, 2008

History . . . by Dallin

So tonight, Dallin and I were reading Tuck Everlasting - one of my all time favorites - and he started using a half southern/half hillbilly accent when he was speaking for the characters. I asked him why he was talking like that, and he said, "That's how they talked then. In the olden days, that's how they all talked back then."

The other night, he was asking me questions about when I was younger, and asked me if there was color back then. Completely confused, I asked him what he was talking about. He said, "You know, like in the old movies that are black and white, because there was no color back then. Everything in the whole world was just black and white." Even as I tried to explain that it was just black and white in the movies, but the world was full of color, he didn't believe me because it was on TV and, well, we all know if it's on TV, it's gotta be true.


Pancake said...

LOL!!! that is the funniest comment!!! Black and white... well, are you going to show him the Wizard of Oz? When she opens the door and color comes in... and tell him about the day you opened the door and realized your hair was no longer white???!

aubreyp said...

Ha ha! That's too funny! Kids are just so innocent.

On another note, Collin had a soccer game today and there is a girl on his team who TOTALLY reminds me of Ashlynn. It's crazy. We'll have to take a picture of her and send it to you.

We miss you!

Me and My Boys said...

Here! Here! I agree with Dallin, there's no way there could be color back then, if you think about it. Maybe we just evolved to see color, ya that sounds good. it was good talking to you the other day, we miss living close to you guys, enjoy your halloween!

Me and My Boys said...

Happy Birthday Benson!!! enjoy your day.

:) said...

Hey! Where are you? I am in serious need of an update! Hope that you guys are doing great! Love Nat